at the age of 18 and landed in Montpellier, where he began the study of law with the intention of returning to his native land to continue the tradition of his forefathers as judge or government administrator. During a visit to Paris in 1894, he saw a painting by Cézanne, which so stimulated his interest that he decided to abandon the profession of law and become a picture dealer. At that time, Cézanne was unknown, except to a few young artists. Mr. Vollard's difficulties may be imagined when it is recalled that his entire capital was $200, that nobody wanted to buy Cézanne's pictures, and that he had dedicated himself to the collection of that artist's work. To earn his bread and butter, Vollard opened a tiny shop in Paris and sold books, drawings, and prints at an average price of 25 cents each. Two years after he started, he sold a Cézanne to the American artist Mary Cassatt, who bought it for her friend and former schoolmate Mrs. Henry Havemeyer of New York. The price was $800, an enormous amount of money